Wellbeing Tips

Say Yes to Wellness!

The countdown to Global Wellness Day 2018 has begun!

On Saturday, June 9th, 2018, over 100 countries around the world will be celebrating this special day. One full day of activities which are dedicated to raising more awareness around the importance of wellness and wellbeing.

Here are a few easy steps you can take toward a healthier, happier you!

  • Go organic. Regardless of diet, organic foods are a smart priority. Opting to include organic foods in your meal plans is an effectual choice for personal and planetary health.
  • Walk for at least one hour each day. Practicing one-hour waling constantly is good for making us fit. Walking is the simplest form of sport. You can it in our daily routines such as walking to our offices.
  • Drink lots of water. Drinking water is essential to your health. Think of it as a nut
  • Do a good deed. Instead of wishing we could all just get along, it’s up to us to spread some cheer. Do something nice for a friend, neighbor or complete stranger, and chances are, he’ll feel encouraged to pay it forward in return.
  • Have dinner with your family. Eating at least three family meals together each week is associated with healthier, happy families.
  • Be in bed by 10:00 p.m. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more.
Wellbeing Tips

Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

 Monday motivation: Top tips to help you wind down before bed  

Sleep is a sought-after commodity at the best of times. With an industry worth billions of dollarsa plethora of new sleep-improving products constantly being conceptualised and a population soaking up reams of information on the subject, it is an innate bodily function most of us are always seeking to enhance. 

Here are our top tips for a better nights sleep during the stress and uncertainty of lockdown. 

When normal daily life is in full swing, it’s not difficult to see why a good night’s sleep often evades us. With nights cut short by early rises and long commutes, and long working days providing stress and sometimes little reprieve, it is no wonder we can struggle to silence our inner monologues when it comes to switching off the lights 

Whilst we’re in a state of lockdownone would think we would have more time to dedicate to perfecting the craft of a good night’s rest. However, it seems our sleeping patterns are facing an increasing number of obstacles 

With the comfort of our long-established daily routines suddenly in disarray and our relaxation and productivity spaces becoming blurred whilst we work from home, not to mention the hours on end spent cooped up in close quarters as a result of the current social distancing measures, a good kip could allude even the most hardy of dispositions 

Coupled with the immeasurable levels of worry and anxiety we carry around, as well as the uncertainty and loss of control we are all experiencing, it’s no wonder a good deal of us are finding it harder to switch off the constant carousel of thoughts when it comes to hitting the hay. 

The irony is that achieving a good night’s sleep is even more important in the current climate. Whilst lethargy may seem debilitating in times when we get up and go, sleep is such a cornerstone when it comes to good mental and physical health, both of which we need to be so mindful of right now.  

Falling short of the optimal eight hours can take its toll on our emotional wellbeing, productivity levels and general outlook, whilst potentially wreaking havoc on our brain and heart health, immune systems and even our metabolisms 

With this in mind, we have pulled together a list of our top tips to help you get your hands on those coveted eight hours: 

  1. Switch off phones at least an hour before bedtime
    The artificial blue lights emitted from our screens supress the release of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin
  2. Try your hand at meditation
    A great way to quieten quarrelsome thoughts and alleviate stressone of our sister resort BodyHoliday’s head practitioners, Tendel Zangpo, talks you through a 10-minute guided meditation here 
  3. Limit caffeine after 4pm 
    Dependent on the individual, your caffeine cutoff may be even earlier, so be sure to listen to your body, not your boredom! 
  4. Gently stretch 
    A great way to relax your muscles and give yourself a little mental refresh  
  5. Drink herbal tea
    Drinking decaffinated herbal tea before bed can have a plethora of benefits when it comes to your quality of sleep. Watch DMaha Lakshmanan, Body Science Leader at BodyHoliday, our sister resort, as he talks us through his recipe for an immune-boosting herbal tea here 
  6. Utilise nature’s calming fragrances 
    Whether it is burning a scented candle or sprinkling a few drops on your pillowcase before bed, essential oils such as lavender have been proven to increase the time spent in deep, restorative sleep 
Wellbeing Tips

The Power of Stretching – Combatting Poor Posture

The Power of Stretching – Combatting Poor Posture When Working at Home 

For many of us, Covid-19 meant working from home and creating a new ‘office space’ within the house. For many this status quo has remained.

This could mean your dining room table and chairs now double as a desk space and that your posture is dealing with the impact of this.  

Most of us will know the immediate effects of sitting or standing in poor positions, feeling the pinch in our lower backs, the knots between our shoulder blades and in our necks, along with the headaches that can accompany this tension, but the effects go far past these and can have significant effects on our long-term health.  

Alongside long-term back problems, such as curvature, a misaligned spine and even perhaps pinched nerves, poor posture can have surprising effects on our overall health. From interrupted sleep and negative impacts on motivation and mood, to circulation issues, digestive ailments and even restricted lung capacity, all of which can have their own knock-on effects on our wellbeing. 

As well as correcting our posture throughout the day and ensuring our desk and chairs are set up to support us properly, we can utilise stretching to alleviate some of the initial symptoms poor posture can bring on and help us enhance the support our body gives itself. 

We spoke to Resident Yogi Kestin Greco from our sister resort BodyHoliday on the benefits of stretching and how it can help combat the effects of poor posture: 

  1. It alleviates tension
    When we are sat in an unsupported position for an extended amount of time, it puts stress on our bodies and we can begin to feel this tension throughout our necks and backs. By stretching out our muscles, we can release this tension and alleviate the pain that comes with it. 
  2. Stretching helps strengthen your muscles and core
    When practised regularly, stretching can help strengthen your muscles, keeping them flexible and strong. By focusing your efforts on the muscles in your core and back, you increase the body’s ability to support itself, as well as improve your natural posture. 
  3. It can boost your mood and circulation
    Alongside tension and pain, poor posture can have a negative effect on our moods. As a form of exercise, stretching releases endorphins and increases the blood flow around our body, helping to clear our minds and put us in a more positive mindset. 
  4. Stretching can enhance sleep
    Interrupted sleep can be a common side effect of bad posture, as we twist and turn to find a position our muscles are comfortable in. Taking part in some gentle stretching just before bed helps loosen those muscles and calm the mind, helping you drift off into slumber more peacefully. 
  5. It can increase your energy levels
    As well as enhancing circulation, stretching can boost the body’s flow of nutrients, helping to give you an increase in energy levels. When combining this with the enhanced mood and sleep benefits, you’ll find a simple daily stretching session can help combat fatigue. 

Watch here as Kestin brings one of her wonderful stretch classes to you at home, helping you reap the benefits of this exercise.  

Wellbeing Tips

Learn to Massage each Other

With these quick steps you can easily massage the worries of the day away or just enjoy some quality time together.

Firstly, find a very comfortable spot in your home for your partner and yourself. Then, grab a bottle of your favorite massage oil and have your partner to sit or lie down. Massage oils are available at your local health store or if you are visiting the Place of Stolen time, you may select from our exclusive line of oils made using coconut oil infused with our passionfruit or cocoa.

For those special occasion, get a few candles, some soft music, flower petals and maybe even some strawberries or chocolate. It’s your time; make it memorable.Keep your oil warm by placing the bottle in some warm water a few minutes before you begin your massage.

Make sure there are no distractions in or around the room.

1. Keep your oil warm by placing the bottle in some warm water a few minutes before you begin your massage.

2. Communicate with your partner. Make sure that they are comfortable.

3. Start the massage by pouring a small amount of massage oil in the palm of your hand and rubbing your hands.

4. Effleurage the back with flat hands three times.

5. Knead the middle of the trapezius muscle with your thumbs for one minute.

6. Again using your thumbs, knead from the trapezius down to the buttocks in three rows on either side of the spine.

7. Massage the back of the neck using alternate kneading movements.

8. Push one hand across the back while pulling the other towards you to “wring” across the whole length of the back for 1 minute.

9. With flat hands, one on top of the other, use circular movements up the right side of the back from the buttock and around the shoulder blade. Do this twice.

10. Repeat this on the left side of the back.

11. Pinch and roll up the entire back, including the spine, moving from the right side of the back all the way across to the other side.

12. With flat hands, effleurage the entire back starting from the base of the neck down to the buttocks three times.

13. Using a light feathery movement and the tips of your fingers, stroke the length of the back using alternate hands. Start with four fingers, then use three on the next stroke, then two and finally use only one finger



Wellbeing Tips

Partner Yoga

Dealing with just yourself is one thing, but when you add another person into the mix, yoga becomes a whole different ball game altogether; their sweat, limbs and ideas on the things that should work makes it a bit more complex, yet very interesting.

But think about how amazing it is to connect with your partner on such a spiritual level; With uniformed breathing techniques, to move together, to communicate – especially in a world that has been taken over by technology. What a wonderful way this is to unplug from the daily norm to reconnect with each other.

Partner yoga is a blend of different types of yoga, thai massage and aerobics which helps build stronger communication and intimacy in a relationship. Posture and the flow of strategic movement are the key factors when performing a routine.

Here are a few great tips to keep in mind:

  • Be open minded. Do not be afraid to try new things.
  • If you do not feel comfortable, tell your partner.
  • Be steady. Be aware of the great impact that you are to your partner.
  • Breathe!
  • Enjoy the moment. Be present and focused on each other and try not to take anything too seriously.