For all our USA guests, that means it includes Thanksgiving week. For everyone, it includes the Christmas and New Year Holidays.
StolenTime, by Rendevous, seeks to provide guests the chance to recharge their minds and souls and escape from the pressures of the everyday hustle and bustle.
It’s a place that attracts travelers who find resorts with endless dining outlets and conveyor-belt weddings; a turn-off.
Time is a precious gift. It is perhaps, the most precious thing we have. Time together, time alone, time with family or friends, time to think and time to make good choices. Stealing time has become a neccessity.
There is a place where the only clockwatchers are the Sun and the Stars. For years, it was called Rendezvous, the Holiday of StolenTime and now it’s been reborn as StolenTime, Rendezvous.
Think of it as a place of professional idling to achieve the fine art of relaxation. It’s a place where couples, adult families and solo travelers can all benefit from slowing down.
The resort team have fine tuned the experience of staying in this unique resort to something akin to the ultimate headrest. Without the frenzy of a mass market resort, together we can make time stand still.
COVID and the isolation it brought has led us to the need for more conscious traveling, and that is what we like to do for our guests.
Come and see for yourself.