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Earth Day at StolenTime


Earth Day at StolenTime

Easter has certainly been a restorative break for us but let’s focus on another living organism that needs as much care and attention, our planet Earth. Earth Day (April 22) is an often-overlooked spring holiday that deserves its moment in the sun. To celebrate the green event, many high-end hotels around the globe spotlight sustainability with eco-friendly adventures and cool conservation-focused initiatives, with a luxe twist, of course.

Of course, StolenTime has included itself in this celebration that honours the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations of guests.

At the resort, we understand that climate and environmental literacy, coupled with strong civic education, will not only create more jobs tourism sector but build a green consumer market for farmers and natural resource business owners. As there is power in numbers, it gives them a louder voice to engage with governments in a meaningful way that addresses the climate crisis.

Fifty years ago, the first Earth Day started an environmental revolution. Now, there is an igniting education revolution to save the planet. This formal campaign, launched Summer 2020, combines grassroots support and on-the-ground efforts by many nonprofits, governmental bodies and private businesses like boutique resorts. With that, let’s expound on possible campaigns that many sustainable resorts can take part in .

Clean-up campaigns

This is a very common and easy campaign. Volunteers are to simply remove pieces of trash from surroundings, beaches, rivers, gutters, trees, and communities, if possible. By doing this,
it reduces waste and plastic pollution, improving habitats and preventing harm to wildlife and humans. If this activity is performed daily every day of the year. A brighter, greener,
and cleaner planet is surely brought forth.

Narrowing the location and taking into consideration that StolenTime by Rendevous is located on a 2-mile-long beachfront, the resort intends to invite guests to join in a beach clean-up. The activity will include removing solid litter, dense chemicals, and organic debris deposited on a beach or coastline by the tide and beachgoers.

Understanding that clean beaches are indicators of the environmental quality and sustainable development level of the island, the team wishes to maintain this standard of environmental friendliness by doing this more than once a year.

Let’s talk about plastics

By now, many of us know of the harmful effects of the continuous use of plastics. They stick around in the environment for ages, threatening wildlife and spreading toxins. With the introduction of Earth Day, we can expect many attitudes about and behaviour toward reducing plastic pollution to improve. An End Plastic Pollution campaign would help people understand the impacts of plastic pollution on human and ecosystem health and how everyday actions can lessen the problem.

An activity of this nature would draw attention to the harmful effects of plastic in our environment — harming marine and human health, littering beaches and landscapes, clogging waste streams and landfills — and empowers people to make a difference

At StolenTime we have already taken away plastic utensils, plastic straws, and coffee cups from buffets. By this, we are reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute towards climate change and the amount of waste that has to send to our landfills on the island.

Planting Trees

At StolenTime, the gardens are most frequently the talk of any visit. Planting trees or also known as a Canopy Project improves our shared environment. Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of stormwater runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of exotic wildlife on the island depend on trees for habitat as it provides food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals.

That’s not all. Looking at it from a global perspective, our little efforts would have a great impact on some of the world’s largest continents most at-risk of climate change and environmental degradation.

Earth Hour?

This is actually a popular activity for many Sutainanbly-friendly businesses. It involves switching off the lights and firing up the candles to host simple activities. For example, a dinner in the dark or reading with solely a desk lamp. The idea is simple: conserve energy and raise awareness for the future of the planet by turning off non-essential electric lights for one hour between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. on April 22nd. It’s not every day that we get to host a cosy candlelit dinner or enjoy a tranquil book read to benefit a major global cause.

But let’s not forget our switching off phones to attain downtime and lighting in rooms. At StolenTime, the team would be making a list of all resort lights, and turning off non-essential ones outside and inside for one hour at the designated time. That may include signage, room lights, and lobby decor. However, For safety, leaving emergency lights running.

Promoting through Socials

Because the internet has become increasingly accessible to all, digital marketing enables us to reach a broader range of audiences than is possible with conventional advertising. The result is that we are able to communicate easily around the world.

We don’t intend to keep all of this knowledge to ourselves. Margaret Fuller once said “ If you have the knowledge, let others light their candles in it. We believe that these initiatives for guests and advice to last a lifetime should reach as many corners of the earth as possible. With that, the use of e-mail marketing campaigns, social handles and of course
the blog you’re reading, more people will become educated about sustainability and how they can help promote it in their daily lives.

Well on the way to perfect eco-friendliness. StolenTime is striving to operate in a way that minimises both the carbon footprint of a 5-star luxury resort experience as well as the carbon footprint of employees and guests. The ultimate goal in the end is to have a positive impact on the environment as well as the local community.

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