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Healthy Supermarket Choices

Wellbeing Tips

Healthy Supermarket Choices

Follow these three simple tips to make Healthy Supermarket Choices.

If you are trying to follow a healthy diet like me, a trip to the supermarket can be frustrating. Even though in 2023, the shelves have dramatically changed and now feature the inclusion of many organic and plant-based options, we still tread carefully as many of these are highly processed and not necessarily healthy. These ready-made plant-based “meat” substitutes are often not the most healthy supermarket choices.

And for the record, this article is not purely aimed at Vegetarians and Vegans. Lean meat and fish in your diet when consumed in a balanced diet can be very healthy.

Stick to the Perimeter

Most nutritious food choices high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber are located in the perimeter of the supermarket. This is where you will find fruits, vegetables, and lean cuts of meat. It is in the center aisles that we find the majority of the highly processed and packaged foods that are not ideal for our health. Make most of your healthy supermarket choices outside of the center isles. Imagine you are one of our chefs.

Healthy Supermarket Choices are based in part by Looking at the Ingredients.

While some people do actively look at the nutrition facts labels for fat content, carbs, and sugars on specific products, they sometimes forget to look at the actual ingredients that make up that product. Aim for food product choices that have five or less ingredients. If you see an ingredient list that looks like a page out of a novel it’s best to leave it and make an alternate choice.

Shop on a Full Stomach

It’s important that when we are doing our shopping that we don’t have an empty stomach and are craving something to eat. These are the times when you may find yourself putting less than ideal food choices into your trolley or cart. Those crisps look extra good, the chocolate cake is staring you in the face, and you are looking to grab everything and anything to eat to satisfy your hunger. Try and have a significant meal before your shopping or at the very least a snack to keep your hunger at bay.

So next time you are in the supermarket see if you can follow these three simple tips to ensure that you are making good healthy supermarket choices.

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